12 Best Characters in Hey Arnold!

Hey Arnold! is a children's television show broadcast by Nickelodeon. This cartoon series contains many funny scenes that tell Arnold's daily life with his friends who have various unique personalities. They love to play in the city and go through various fun adventures.

On this occasion, we would like to discuss all characters in Hey Arnolds who may have accompanied our childhood. Come on, let's immediately discuss together the following.

1. Arnold Shortman

The character whose real name is Arnold Philip Shortman is a fourth grader in elementary school who has a unique head, like a football hehe. He always wore his favorite blue hat and hardly ever took it off.

Arnold really likes to dream and he is a typical idealistic child. The positive side of Arnold is that he always sees the good in people and always tries to do good. When his friend is in trouble, Arnold will always try to help his friend.

2. Helga Pataki

Next, there is Arnold's friend whose name is Helga who is quite annoying. She is sometimes good and sometimes bad towards her classmates. 

One of Helga's bad habits is that she likes to bully her friends in class, including Arnold who is the victim of Helga's teasing. The funny thing is, Helga secretly likes Arnold.

3. Gerald Johanssen

This boy is Arnold's best friend in the story. He almost always appears in stories and accompanies Arnold's adventures. Gerald has a unique habit, namely he likes urban legend stories in their city. So, if someone asks about it to Gerald, he must be good at explaining it.

4. Grandpa Phil

Grandpa Phil is Arnold's grandfather who is very friendly and fun, even though he is not young anymore. Arnold often came to see Phil's grandfather for advice on certain matters. Grandpa Phil will later tell about his life experiences in the past.

The funny thing is, grandpa Phil sometimes likes to exaggerate his stories. Not only that, grandpa Phil's suggestions are sometimes not suitable for Arnold's problems.

5. Grandma Gertie

Furthermore, there is the wife of Phil's grandfather and Arnold's grandmother named Gertie. She also has a personality that is no less goofy. In addition, she has a unique habit as she often wears colorful outfits, prepares colorful foods, and calls other people by certain names or nicknames.

6. Phoebe Heyerdahl

Unlike Arnold's friends, Phoebe is of Japanese descent and is one of Helga's good friends. In the past, she was born in Kentucky and she later moved to Hillwood. She is also one of the smartest students in her class. So smart, Phoebe had the opportunity to go straight to the sixth grade.

7. Harold Barman

This friend of Arnold has a fat physique and has an appearance similar to a bad boy or a bully. Despite his appearance, Harold had a very kind heart. Even so, Harold on several occasions felt embarrassed and self-conscious because he was fat.

8.Eugene Horowitz

This friend of Arnold's is often regarded as the jinx in his class because he was born on Friday the 13th. Although he can be somewhat incompetent, he has an optimistic side and is passionate about musical theater and loves singing. He has a habit of saying he's fine, even though he's not in a good condition.

9. Rhonda Lloyd

Next, there is Rhonda who comes from a wealthy family and she is also a bit arrogant and likes to pay attention to her style of dress. Not only that, Rhonda is one of the most popular students in her school. She is also very fond of sports activities, such as baseball and soccer.

10. Sid

Arnold's friend named Sid has the same hobby as Gerald. He really likes to tell urban legend stories. Not only that, he also often acts strangely and is in ridiculous situations, for example when he's just been rescued by Arnold, Sid will devote his life to Arnold more than anything else.

11. Stinky Peterson

Next, there is Stinky who is Harold's best friend. He is from Arkansa and has a distinctly Northern accent. Stinky really likes lemon pudding. Although he is often thought of as stupid, Stinky is actually quite smart. However, she is sometimes quite naughty when she is with Sid.


Finally, there is Curly who is Arnold's friend with a very strange personality. Curly often does silly and trivial things. Not only that, his attitude is sometimes very difficult to predict. This may be because he has bipolar disorder.

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