All Known Members of Accino Family in One Piece

Accino Family is a group of bounty hunters who become enemies of the SHP in Ice Hunter Arc after Enies Lobby. They really like to collect the Jolly Roger flags belonging to the pirates they defeated.

The family has several members who are tough and skilled in fighting. Guess who they are? Come on, check out the full review below!

Don Accino

As the head of the family, Don Accino is of course a very strong fighter. He has the Atsu Atsu no Mi ability which allows him to control heat at will. He was even able to reach temperatures of 10,000 degrees.

With the power of this devil fruit, Don Accino can burn anything he touches to melt. Even though he is just a non-canon character, he is proven to be able to overwhelm Luffy in battle.


Campacino was the eldest son of the stocky Don Accion. He has a twin brother named Brindo who looks exactly like him. As a differentiator, he uses a blue tank top.

In terms of ability, Campacino is very agile and able to move acrobatically. He was able to dodge Luffy's attacks without difficulty. In addition, he used to act together with his brother.


As Campacino's twin, Brindo has a face that is so similar that they are hard to tell apart. He also has a stocky and muscular stature. In addition, he uses a red tank top which is his trademark.

Not only that, Brindo has a fighting style similar to Campacino. The two of them were able to issue a combined technique called Combination Play. Uniquely, the way the technique works is similar to a magnet.


Arbell is the eldest daughter of Accino who has a good-looking face. She married a weird man named Salchow. When they are together, they often perform silly and strange actions.

In terms of ability, Arbell is quite talented. She is able to slide on ice with great agility. In addition, she can issue combination attacks with Salchow to attack enemies.


Despite his goofy appearance, Salchow is a strong member of Don Accino. He is a love slave and infatuated with Arbell. In addition, he did his best to make Don Accino proud of his performance.

Salchow uses the same fighting style as Arbell. He is very skilled at surfing on the surface of the ice. Together with his wife, he is able to perform some interesting combination techniques, such as Jump and Kick, Love Throw, and Love Swing.


Hockera is the son of Don Accino who is very skilled at playing hockey. He often pretends to be stupid to trick his enemies. In fact, he has a very clever brain.

In fighting, Hockera uses a set of hockey tools. He is able to issue precision shots at the enemy. In addition, this shot can make the enemy freeze due to the effects of ice.


Lil is the youngest daughter of Don Accino. She still has a childish nature and a hobby of playing. In addition, she is usually assigned together with Hockera when fighting enemies in battle.

At first glance, Lil may seem weak and not scary. However, she still retains a useful interesting ability. She seems to be able to control the plants around her.

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