Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) is an old anime adapted from the manga by Toru Fujisawa. The anime tells the story of a former thug named Eikichi Onizuka who is obsessed with becoming a teacher.
After going through a hard struggle, Onizuka was successfully accepted into Holy Forest Academy. He is trusted by the principal to be the homeroom teacher for naughty students. He also tries to discipline his students in unexpected ways.
In this article, we would like to discuss the best characters in the Great Teacher Onizuka story. Check the complete information below!
10. Ryuji Danma
First of all, there is Onizuka's best friend named Ryuji Danma. In the past, they were both leaders of a legendary gang called Oni-Baku. Because of that, he has high loyalty to Onizuka.
In terms of personality, Ryuji is very different from Onizuka. He looks more mature and able to organize his life better. In addition, he also manages his own bike workshop.
9. Miyabi Aizawa
After being betrayed by her teacher, Miyabi Aizawa harbors a very strong hatred for teachers. Because of that, she really hates Onizuka and tries to get rid of him in various dirty ways.
Miyabi is a very smart student. She can be regarded as the brain that orders her friends to attack the teachers. Despite this, she eventually came to respect Onizuka as the ideal teacher for her students.
8. Noboru Yoshikawa
When he first appeared, Noboru Yoshikawa had problems with his self-confidence. He often gets bad treatment from his female friends in his class. That's what makes him so depressed.
Yoshikawa even attempted to end his life. However, he was saved by Onizuka. After being lectured by Onizuka, he slowly starts to build self-confidence and changes for the better.
7. Kunio Murai
Unlike Yoshikawa, Kunio Murai is a stubborn student in his class. He used to hate Onizuka. Despite this, he slowly gets along with Onizuka after he is saved by Onizuka from thugs.
Behind his aggressive nature, Murai is often called a mama's boy. He has a very beautiful and young mother. He often gets annoyed when Onizuka approaches his mother with flirtatious advances.
6. Tomoko Nomura
Tomoko Nomura is one of the most beautiful girls in Onizuka's class. She has a very fantastic body. Unfortunately, she is not very smart and likes to act recklessly.
After being ostracized by Miyabi and her friends, Onizuka tries to restore Nomura's confidence. Thanks to the help of Onizuka, she managed to become a popular idol and is liked by many fans.
5. Azusa Fuyutsuki
Next, there is a beautiful teacher named Azusa Fuyutsuki. She has a very high dedication to her profession. Moreover, she strives to become an ideal teacher for her students.
Throughout the story, Fuyutsuki has a very close relationship with Onizuka. She is often irritated by Onizuka's behavior. However, she greatly admired Onizuka who was able to attract the attention of his students.
4. Yoshito Kikuchi
Yoshito Kikuchi is one of the smartest students in Onizuka's class. He has great skill in operating the computer. For example, he edited photos to hack computer systems.
Kikuchi had used this ability to trap Onizuka. Nonetheless, his attitude started to change after he noticed something different about Onizuka. He also supports Onizuka to continue teaching in his class.
3. Hiroshi Uchiyamada
Hiroshi Uchiyamada serves as vice principal of Holy Forest Academy. He could be said to be Onizuka's nemesis. Since the first time they met, they always bickered and couldn't get along.
Whenever Onizuka gets into trouble, Uchiyamada always makes a loud voice to get rid of Onizuka as soon as possible. Despite his obnoxious nature, he has a strong dedication as an educator.
2. Urumi Kanzaki
Urumi Kanzaki is a very special student in Onizuka's class. She has a very high IQ. She often intimidated teachers with critical questions that were difficult to answer.
In the past, Kanzaki had a traumatic experience because she felt abandoned by her idol teacher. Despite this, she managed to get woken up by Onizuka so that she feels comfortable while at school.
1. Eikichi Onizuka
Eikichi Onizuka is one of the most legendary teachers in anime stories. He has a very eccentric and unpredictable nature. Besides, he likes to do indecent things.
Even though Onizuka is not like your average teacher, he has a unique way of teaching. He likes to use harsh measures against his students. Uniquely, this method is very effective and makes him admired by his students.