10 Strongest Enemies in Power Rangers Samurai, Ranked

In the story of Power Rangers Samurai, the Rangers must face a group of monsters from the Netherworld named Nighlok. They are led by Master Xandred who is very tough and very hard to beat.

In this article, we would like to discuss a top strongest enemies faced by Samurai Rangers in battle. Come on, check the discussion directly below!

10. Moogers

Even though the Moogers were just ordinary combat troops, they were a very troublesome foe. How come? They have a large number and can simultaneously surround Samurai Rangers in battle.

Moogers are usually seen carrying a sword or other weapons, such as arrows and spears. In addition, they have a fairly high intelligence. Not only that, they are able to transform into giant forms and fight the Ranger's Megazord.

9. Robtish

Robtish is one of the strongest Nighloks the Rangers have faced. He had a very ferocious appearance and carried a gigantic sword. Additionally, he is greatly feared by his fellow Nighloks in the underworld.

Robtish has brutal fighting power. Besides that, his sword skills are also able to make Samurai Rangers difficult. While in his giant form, he can only be destroyed by the Beetlewing Megazord's attacks.

8. Steeleto

Steeleto is the younger brother of Robtish and a very strong Nighlok. Similar to his older brother, Steeleto also shows a ferocious nature when fighting the Rangers. Additionally, he uses a pair of swords as his primary weapon.

Apart from relying on his two swords, Steeleto is able to manipulate the swords on his body to attack Rangers blindly. He can be defeated by Antonio and Jayden's combination attack which looks really cool.

7. Arachnitor

The Arachnitor is a nighlok who is as cunning as he is tough. He had served Master Xandred until he decided to betray. He plans to take over Master Xandred's throne and rule all of Nighlok with his power.

Despite this, the Arachnitor is instead given the power by Master Xandred to destroy the Rangers. He then undergoes a mutation so that he transforms into a ferocious monster and is difficult to destroy in battle.

6. Gigetrox

Gigetrox at first was just an ordinary Nightlok that wasn't too scary. However, his powers increased many times after he received additional powers from Octoroo. That's what makes Gigetrox so powerful.

Gigetrox had overwhelmed Samurai Rangers and almost lost the fight. Not only that, he is also very to be destroyed. He had gone berserk and turned into a dragon until he did damage around him.

5. Dayu

Dayu is an ordinary human who turns into a Nighlok due to the Serrator's scheme. Her life is full of tragedy because she lost her lover as well as her identity as a human being.

Dayu really likes to play sad music with his beloved shamisen. Surprisingly, the music that Dayu played was able to relieve Master Xandred's pain. Because of that, she was a valuable subordinate to Master Xandred.

4. Octoroo

Octoroo can be said to be Master Xandred's very loyal right-hand man. He cares deeply about Master Xandred's condition. On top of that, he always tries his best to flood the human world with the waters of the Sanzu River.

Even though Octoroo looks weak, he is a very strong Nighlok and hard to beat. He is capable of throwing poison attacks or optical fire. On top of that, he often gets the Rangers in trouble with his evil plans.

3. Decker

Unlike the previous enemies, Deker is in a gray line because he is a half-Nighlok human. He didn't care about the fight between Ranger and Nighlok. All he cared about was his obsession with pulling off the greatest duel.

Deker wanted the duel so he could be free from his curse. He wields an attractive sword named Uramasa. In order to satisfy his passion for fighting, he chose Jayden aka the Red Ranger as his main enemy in the duel.

2. Serrator

Serrator is one of the strongest enemies that is the most difficult for Samurai Rangers to beat. He has a very cunning and manipulative nature. Moreover, he was obsessed with becoming the ultimate overlord of the Netherworld and Earth.

In terms of strength, Serrator could be said to be on the same level as Master Xandred. He is capable of performing various destructive attacks that can overwhelm Rangers in an instant. Besides, he came close to destroying the world with his cunning plans.

1. Master Xandred

As the main enemy in the story, Master Xandred is known as the ruler of Nighlok who is very overpowered and feared by many. He has the ambition to flood the human world with the waters of the Sanzu River so that he can become the absolute ruler.

Master Xandred has been fighting Ranger Samurai for a long time. He can only be defeated by using the power seal of the Shiba clan. However, the seal is no longer useful after Master Xandred absorbs Dayu's human side.

The only way to destroy Master Xandred is through direct combat. Thanks to their determination and solid teamwork, Jayden and his friends were finally able to defeat Master Xandred once and for all.

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