All Ancient Zoan Devil Fruits in One Piece, Explained

Ancient Zoan aka ancient Zoan is a rare type of Zoan devil fruit because this devil fruit allows the user to turn into animals from ancient times or prehistoric times.

So far, this devil fruit ability is only possessed by high-ranking Beast pirates, namely All Star and Tobi Roppo. For more details, let's review together below!

1. Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Allosaurus

X-Drake's devil fruit is an ancient Zoan devil fruit which was first shown in the story, during the Sabaody Archipelago arc. This devil fruit allows Drake to transform into a very wild and powerful Allosaurus.

So far, the advantage of this devil fruit is the dinosaur skin's very tough defense. The rest, Drake uses his fighting skills that he has trained while in the Marines.

2. Zou Zou no Mi Model: Mammoth

This ancient Zoan Devil Fruit was eaten by Jack who is one of the All Stars in the Beast Pirates. Jack first demonstrated his mammoth strength when he attacked the Mink tribe's hometown on the island of Zou.

Mammoth's strength matched that of Jack, who was known to be tough and brave. Jack basically has great strength. With this devil fruit, Jack's powers are going crazy and he looks badass.

3. Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Spinosaurus

Page One's devil fruit may at first glance look like Drake's. It's just that the shape and color of their dinosaur changes are different. When compared to Drake, Page One is much wilder when he fighting in a battle.

When transformed into Spinosaurus, Page One has a very strong physical defense. It was confirmed from Sanji's words when he attacked Page One while he was using the Raid Suit.

4. Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon

Next, there is King's devil fruit that allows him to turn into an ancient beast from the prehistoric era, namely Pteranodon. This power suits King perfectly and he excels in aerial combat.

Basically, King was already very strong because he came from the rare Lunarian race. With this devil fruit, King's strength as well as his defense is greatly increased. In addition, the strength of King's Pteranodon beak is also very dangerous.

5. Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Bracchiosaurus

This ancient Zoan devil fruit of the Bracchiosaurus model is owned by Queen. The power of this devil fruit is perfect for Queen who has a fat and big body. He first used the Bracchiosaurus form against Big Mom in Udon.

Just like other dinosaur powers, the main strength of Queen's devil fruit is a very strong physical defense. Not only that, Queen also developed strange techniques when she was in Bracchiosaurus form.

6. Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pachycephalosaurus

This devil fruit is owned by Ulti from Tobi Roppo which allows him to turn into Pachycephalosaurus. The main advantage of these dinosaurs is the power of a very strong and deadly header.

Ulti's header in his dinosaur form has the potential to crush his opponent's skull. He showed that ability very clearly in the battle against Luffy and Usopp in Onigashima.

7. Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops

The next Zoan devil fruit is Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops which was eaten by Sasaki. Thanks to this devil fruit, Sasaki can turn into a giant Triceratops which is bigger than Franky's robot.

This devil fruit also gives Sasaki an advantage in terms of defense. In his Triceratops form, Sasaki can also use a helicopter technique which is quite strange, but has a strong attack power.

8. Neko Neko no Mi Model: Saber Tiger

Unlike the previous devil fruit, this ancient Zoan devil fruit belonging to Who's Who doesn't have a dinosaur theme. However, this fruit gives the user the power to turn into an ancient cat, namely Saber Tiger.

The superiority of this devil fruit seems to lie in the Who's Who's attack power as well as speed. In addition, Who's Who also has terrible fangs that can be used to attack opponents.

9. Kumo Kumo no Mi Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli

The last Zoan devil fruit on this list is the Kumo Kumo no Mi Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli which was eaten by Black Maria. Thanks to this devil fruit, Black Maria has the power of a ancient spider.

Uniquely, when accessing her devil fruit, the lower body of the Black Maria spider appears to have a face. Like most spiders, Black Maria can cast webs to trap her opponents in battle.

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