10 Best Characters in Full Metal Panic!

Full Metal Panic! is a comedy & mecha-themed anime adapted from the light novel by Shoji Gatoh. The anime tells the story of a man named Sousuke Sagara. He is a soldier who is a member of a military organization called Mithril.

One day, Sousuke got a mission to protect a student named Kaname Chidori. He has to disguise himself as a student at Jindai High School so he can carry out the mission. However, it is not easy because he is very difficult to socialize with other people.

In this article, we would like to discuss the best characters in Full Metal Panic!. Who are they? Check out the full review below!

10. Kyoko Tokiwa

For starters, there is Kaname's best friend named Kyoko Tokiwa. She has a very humble and polite nature. Besides that, she usually brings her favorite camera which looks really cute.

In the story, Kyoko always tries to make Kaname and Sousuke's relationship more than just friends. Even so, her efforts are often thwarted by Sousuke which is difficult to predict.

9. Bonta-kun

Bonta-kun was originally a mascot of an amusement park that looked like a teddy bear. Sousuke cutely stole the costume and turned it into a fighting machine designed based on Arm Slave (USA) technology.

Due to a malfunction in the computer system, Bonta-kun can only say limited words, such as Fu, Mo, Ffu, or Ru. Whenever Bonta-kun spoke, Kaname would act as translator. That's what makes him look so funny.

8. Atsunobu Hayashimizu

Atsunobu Hayashimizu serves as the student council president at Jindai High School. He has a very smart mind. He always tries to find a solution to a problem no matter how difficult the situation he is in.

Atsunobu is often calm and authoritative. He also trusted Sousuke to serve as head of security at the student council. They both have mutual respect for each other.

7. Richard Mardukas

Richard Mardukas assumed the position of commander and was in charge of Mithril's TDD-1 in the captain's absence. He usually looks very serious. In addition, he always wears a hat that says HMS Turbulent.

Richard has high loyalty to Tessa. On top of that, he was also very protective of her. He often overacts so that his actions are often funny to watch.

6. Ren Mikihara

If the position of student council president is held by Atsunobu, the position of student council secretary is held by a cute girl named Ren Mikihara. She is the daughter of a yakuza boss named Kenji who is very feared in her area.

Despite that fact, Ren has a caring and reliable personality. She also forms a close friendship with Kaname. Apart from that, she also has feelings for Atsunobu.

5. Teletha Testarossa

Taletha Testarossa aka Tessa is the main commander of the Mithril submarine force called Tuatha De Danaan. She has a very beautiful face and is still very young. On top of that, she has feelings for Sousuke.

Tessa has high optimism that she can make a difference in the world. She can also be stubborn. In addition, she really hates it when others belittle her capabilities as a commander.

4. Kurz Weber

Furthermore, there was an interesting man named Kurz Weber who worked for Mithril. He is part of the Special Response Team. In addition, he has expertise as a sniper.

Kurz may seem like a lazy guy, but he is very responsible towards his work. Also, she likes to give Sousuke unique advice regarding life and love matters.

3. Melissa Mao

Melissa Mao is the senior of Sousuke and Kurz who holds the rank of Sergeant Major. She has quite a rough personality. In addition, she has several bad habits, such as smoking and drinking.

Apart from that, Melissa is a very tough soldier. She is also able to see the potential that exists in new candidates. After she saw Kurz and Sousuke, she recruited the two of them into her team.

2. Kaname Chidori

In second place, there is Kaname Chidori who acts as the heroine in the story. She has a beautiful appearance. In addition, she often speaks out and expresses her opinion to others in an outspoken manner.

Kaname is often annoyed by Sousuke's actions which are she to those of a military soldier. She also doesn't like it when Sousuke is too overprotective of her. Even so, she gradually began to feel comfortable around Sousuke until she liked the boy.

1. Sousuke Sagara

There may be no doubt that Sousuke Sagara is the most interesting character in Full Metal Panic!. He has the ability as a trained soldier on the battlefield.

When Sousuke received the mission to protect Kaname, he also felt uncomfortable and had difficulty adapting. He often performs funny actions to protect Kaname from danger. The two of them are often involved in funny and entertaining actions.

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