All Gold Rangers in Power Rangers, Ranked

Of the many colors that appear in Power Rangers gold is one of the rarest colors. This color is very identical to the Sixth Ranger who has special powers compared to other Rangers.

In this article, MogiMogy would like to discuss the best Gold Rangers in the entire Power Rangers history. Who are they? Check out the full review below!

9. Sentinel Knight

Sentinel Knight are guardians from ancient times who has a duty to protect Corona Aurora. His body had weakened and took the form of a spirit due to the battle. However, he managed to gain a new form after he merged with the Excelsior sword.

In this new form, Sentinel Knight also fights against Moltor and Flurious to protect Corona Aurora. He is even capable of transforming into the size of a Megazord by activating Super Mode.

8. Gem – Ranger Operator Series Gold

In Power Rangers RPM, Gem and his sister Gemma join the fight against the Venjix army. They are both good friends of Dr. K. He is very genius and passionate.

Gem fights as a Gold Ranger by utilizing the Sky Morpher. He is able to fight deftly without flinching. He also controls two cool Zords, namely Falcon Chopper Zord and  Whale Zord.

7. Levi Watson – Ninja Steel Gold

When he first appeared, Levi Waston was known as a singer who is liked by many people. Gradually, a new fact was revealed that he is Aiden aka Brody's brother who disappeared without a trace after their father was attacked by Galvanax.

Armed with a Ninja Power Star, Levi has the ability to transform into a Gold Ranger. He uses a unique guitar-shaped weapon called the Rockstorm Guitar. In addition, he controls two Zords, namely the Robo Rider Zord and the Ninja Bull Zord.

6. Nate Silva – Grid Battleforce Gold Ranger

Nate Silva is a very genius child and has a big contribution to Grid Battleforce. He is able to create Morph X as well as advanced technology used by the Rangers to fight against enemies.

Despite being belittled a lot, Nate is able to transform into a Gold Ranger after he got the Grasshopper DNA. He used to fight alongside Steel whom he considered his brother. He controls a cool Zord called the Wrecker Zord.

5. Aiyon – Dino Fury Gold Ranger

The next best Gold Ranger is Aiyon from the Power Rangers Dino Fury series. Like Zayto, he is a Rafkonian who comes from a very distant planet. He had slept in a static pod for millions of years.

Aiyon is very strong in battle. He uses a unique gun weapon called the Mosa Blaster. Additionally, he controls a ferocious Zord inspired by the Mosasaurus.

4. Sir Ivan of Zandar – Dino Charge Gold Ranger

Sir Ivan is a knight from Zandar who lived 800 years ago. He has a very loyal nature and has high authority. Despite this, he also shows a goofy side.

As a knight and Gold Ranger, Sir Ivan has superior fighting skills compared to other Rangers, especially when it comes to swords. He controls an attractive Zord named the Ptera Zord which excels in aerial combat.

3. Daggeron – Solaris Knight

Daggeron is one of the mentors for the Mystic Force Rangers. He is known as a very strong fighter and has high self-esteem. He was cursed to turn into a frog until the curse was released after he was kissed by Maddie.

Daggeron has the power to transform into a Solaris Knight who has sun-based powers. He used to fight with a cute genie named Jenji. On top of that, he controls a very unique train-shaped Zord.

2. Antonio Garcia – Gold Samurai Ranger

Antonio Garcia is a very jovial and passionate character. He has a background as a fisherman. For this reason, he is always seen carrying a fishing rod along with a fish cart.

With his genius, Antonio was able to create a Samurai Morpher which he used to transform into a Gold Ranger. He uses a unique weapon called the Barracuda Blade. Additionally, he controls several unique Zords, such as OctoZord, ClawZord, and LightZord.

1. Jason Lee Scott - Gold Zeo Ranger

There's no doubt that Jason is the best Gold Ranger in Power Rangers history. He briefly fought as the Red Ranger in the MMPR story. Even though he disappeared for a while, he reappeared in the story of Power Rangers Zeo.

Jason is told to get a new power thanks to the Golden Power Staff. He also has a unique pyramid-shaped Zord that is insane in size. With his strength, he helps Tommy and his friends to defeat King Mondo's troops.

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