All Lao G's Jio-Ken Techniques in One Piece Explained

Lao G is one of Doflamingo's strongest subordinates. He masters an unique martial art called Jio-Ken. Even though he is old, he is still able to fight very agilely against his enemies.

In this article, we would like to discuss all of Jio-Ken techniques mastered by Lao G in One Piece. Come on, check out the full information below!

1. Yotsu no Kamae

Yotsu no Kamae can be considered as the initial step used by Lao G before he attacks the enemy. When issuing the technique, he will put up a stance until his hands form the letter G.

After that, Lao G can issue various types of attacks that can have a fatal impact on the opponent. Examples are the techniques of Me no Tsukare, Kata Kori, Fushi Bushi no Itami, Hie Sho, and Gikkuri Goshi.

2. Me no Tsukare

When using Me no Tsukare, Lao G will jump forward and attack the enemy right in the eyes. This attack can make the opponent lose focus for a while until the defense becomes off guard.

3. Kata Kori

Unlike the previous moves, Kata Kori is an attack that focuses on hitting the opponent's shoulder firmly. Lao G first demonstrated this technique when he fought against Chinjao.

4. Fushi Bushi no Itami

Fushi Bushi no Itami is a Lao G style that can cause high damage to opponents. When the moment is issued, Lao G will attack all joints in the enemy's body with full force.

5. Hie Sho

The next Lao G technique is Hie Sho. With his ferocious fists, Lao G is able to deliver powerful punches right to his enemy's stomach. The punch, of course, produces a strong impact on the opponent.

6. Gikkuri Goshi

Gikkuri Goshi has a different way of working compared to the previous techniques. Lao G will attack the opponent's back with all his might. The effect of the attack can make the opponent feel pain.

7. Jioken Kyukyoku no Higi: Sento Ho-Ken

Jioken Kyukyoku no Higi: Sento Ho-Ken can be said to be the ultimate Jio-Ken move mastered by Lao G. This move allows Lao G to store youthful energy so it can be used in the future.

When this move is activated, Lao G's body will grow bigger and more muscular. Not only that, his strength and speed also increased drastically in battle.

8. G no Kokuin

After activating the Sento Ho-Ken technique, Lao G can issue the ultimate technique called G no Kokuin. He will attack the enemy very quickly and hit them with a G-shaped fist.

In addition to causing damage to the opponent, Lao G's attack can leave a G mark on the opponent's body. Thanks to this technique, Lao G was able to defeat Chinjao in a very fierce battle at Dressrosa.

9. Sento Ho-Ken: Manki Kaiyaku

Even though it only appears in the anime, Sento Ho-Ken: Manki Kaiyaku is arguably Lao G's strongest technique. He demonstrates this technique in the final battle against Sai.

When issuing this move, Lao G will concentrate all his energy to defeat the enemy in one strike. However, the impact of the move was not shown because the attack was broken by Sai's Kiryu Kirikugi.

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