Mashle: How Strong Is Cell War?

Near the end first season of Mashle , we are shown an interesting enemy named Cell War. He is one of the core members of the criminal group known as Innocent Zero.

Cell War came to Easton Magic Academy because he was looking for something. He had collaborated with Abel to get information. However, he later betrayed Abel and attempted to kill him.

Luckily, Mash arrives and intervenes in their fight. Cell War also involved a very fierce battle. In that battle, Cell War displayed powerful and attractive magic abilities.

In Rayne Ames' opinion, his strength is on par with a Divine Visionary. Approximately, how strong is Cell War in Mashle's story? Check out the full review in the following article!

Carbon-Based Magic User

The main magic mastered by Cell War is Carbo. That magic allows Cell War to manipulate carbon at will. He used to shape the carbon into a black blade that was extremely hard and could inflict fatal wounds on opponents.

Cell War was able to create that black carbon sword in a very short amount of time. That's what makes the attack quite difficult for opponents to avoid. Mash, who is very strong, was even injured when he fought against Cell War.

One of his top magic techniques is Carbo Rain. When using this technique, Cell War will issue a series of carbon swords that rain down on the opponent with full power in succession.

Besides being useful as an offensive technique, Cell War can use the carbon as armor that coats his skin. The armor proved to have a high level of hardness and was able to withstand powerful blows from Mash.

He Masters Other Kinds of Magic

In addition to mastering carbon magic, Cell War has also shown skill in using other magic. An example is transformation magic. He used that magic to imitate the appearance of Lance Crown so he could enter the Easton Magic Academy.

Not only that, Cell War mastered a special magic that allows him to control other people's bodies. This was shown by Cell War to Abel. Unnoticed by Abel, his hands were enveloped in a black aura and moved according to Cell Wall's orders.

He Has a Mirror That Can Reflect Magic

Cell War also uses a magic item that can help him fight. The item is a mirror that can reflect the opponent's magic. In Dot's opinion, the mirror is said to be one of the most powerful weapons in the world.

Cell War had shown the mirror when he fought with Mash. However, he miscalculated because he never thought that Mash's strength was purely physical. He was very surprised when the mirror was destroyed by Mash's attack.

This action also exposed Mash's secret. Mash's friends finally found out that Mash couldn't use magic.

Summon Power

In Mashle's story, there is a special ability known as Summon. This ability allows a wizard to summon power from the gods through his wand.

Cell War is one of the wizards who can use Summon. He could use the power of Hephaestus. When the power is active, Cell War's wand will turn into a long staff with four hard and sharp diamond rings.

Apart from that, Cell War is also capable of casting gem-based magic. He is also capable of issuing powerful attacks that can cut anything, such as Diamond Cutter and Black Diamond.


Maybe that's all the explanation about the power of Cell War shown in Mashle's story. Hopefully this article can add to your insight. Don't forget to share this article if you find it interesting!

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