10 Best Facts about Ōchi Fukuchi in Bungo Stray Dogs

Ōchi Fukuchi was one of the strongest enemies in Bungo Stray Dogs. He was first introduced as the captain of the Hunting Dogs whose job was to hunt down criminals with special abilities.

Gradually, it was revealed that Fukuchi was the leader of the terrorist group Decay of the Angel. Within the organization, he was known by the nickname Kamui. He and this organization were the biggest threat to the entire world.

In this article, MogiMogy wants to discuss top 10 interesting facts about Ōchi Fukuchi alias Kamui. Check out the complete discussion below!

1. He Was "Born" In Battlefield

In the past, Fukuchi joined as a military soldier fighting on the battlefield. He fought on the front lines against the enemy and even tortured opposing soldiers, residents and civilians on orders from his superiors.

This traumatic event changed his view of the world. He also believed that he was "born" on the battlefield. He wanted to take evenge against the country and the officials responsible for creating war in the world.

2. His Personality

When acting as the captain of Hunting Dogs, Fukuchi looked like a person with a high spirit of justice and had a silly side. Apart from that, he showed a charismatic side that made him respected by many peoples.

Despite this, Fukichi showed a different side when he revealed his identity as Kamui. He looked very cold and showed no mercy towards the enemy. This was clearly seen when he attacked Atsushi without mercy.

3. Fukuchi's Ambition

Fukuchi originally had good ambition because he wanted to eliminate war throughout the world. He received a message from the future about a war conflict that killed millions of people.

Despite this, Fukuchi used cruel methods to achieve this ambition. He was willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent people as long as his ambition could be realized. However, he felt that the sacrifice was worth the goal.

4. He Was Fukuzawa's Trusted Friend

Fukuchi was Fukuzawa's friend and confidant. The two of them had known each other since they were young, when they were studying swordsmanship at the dojo. As time went by, they then went their separate ways.

Fukuzawa was involved in an emotional battle against Fukuchi. Even though Fukuchi asked Fukuzuwa to take his life, Fukuzawa refused the request because he could not afford to take his friend's life.

5. He Had Strong Influence in International World

Fukuchi had an excellent track record when he served as captain of Hunting Dogs. This was what made him gain the trust of world leaders so that he had a strong influence in the international world.

Fukuchi was even trusted by them to be a leader in fighting terrorism. Because of his strong influence, Fukuchi was able to convince world leaders to send New Order weapons which were an important key in his plans.

6. “Man of Hundred Faces”

While still active in the military, Fukuchi once earned the nickname "Man of Hundred Faces" because he had extraordinary espionage and disguise abilities. He was able to act and hide his true identity from the eyes of others.

Because of this ability, his identity as Kamui was kept under wraps until it was later revealed by Ranpo Edogawa. However, Fukuchi admittedbthat his disguise abilities have decreased as he gets older.

7. Mirror Lion

Like most other characters, Fukuchi was a powerful ability user. His ability is Mirror Lion. He was able to increase the power of his weapons up to 100 times.

Fukuchi usually applied this ability to his sword. His slashes became faster and more deadly when directed at the opponent. He could also turn other objects such as poles into weapons of great destruction.

8. Physical Strength and Martial Arts

Apart from relying on his special abilities, Fukuchi had great physical strength because he had undergone increased physical strength through special experiments. Apart from that, he also mastered martial arts like Fukuzawa.

Fukuchi was able to perform the kote gaeshi attack technique which is typical in the martial art of aikido. Even though he didn't hold a weapon, Fukuchi could still fight with his bare hands to deliver powerful attacks to his enemies.

9. He Held Amenogozen Sword

One of the reasons that makes Fukuchi so difficult to beat was that he holds a special sword called Amenogozen. This sword had the ability to split time and space.

Fukuchi could use the power of the sword to rewind time to a few moments before. Additionally, he could send a message to the past in a special way, as he demonstrated when he fought Tachihara.

10. His Character Was Inspired by Japanese Writers

You probably already know that almost all of Bungo Stray Dogs characters are inspired by famous writers from various parts of the world. In the real world, Ōchi Fukuchi is a critic and writer from Japan.

Based on Wikipedia, Ōchi Fukuchi was born in Nagasaki. He traveled to Europe as a translator. In 1874, he became the principal writer of the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun.

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