10 Strongest Kazuma Kuwabara's Techniques in YuYu Hakusho

Kazuma Kuwabara is one of the main characters who plays an important role in the story YuYu Hakusho. He considers Urameshi to be his greatest rival. In addition, he also accompanies Urameshi's dangerous adventures.

Like his friends, Kuwabara has unique fighting abilities and focuses on swordsmanship. Below, there are some of Kuwabara's strongest techniques shown in YuYu Hakusho.

10. Spirit Sword Javelin

Spirit Sword Javelin is an improvised technique demonstrated by Kuwabara when he fought a demon named Byakko. In that fight, he was about to fall into an area full of burning lava.

With his clever tactics, Kuwabara extended his spiritual sword and used it like a high jump pole. He managed to land safely on the debris of the earth.

9. Spirit Sword Monster Beast Donut

Similar to the previous technique, Spirit Sword Monster Beast Donut was also created thanks to Kuwabara's creative idea. He used the technique to bind the vicious monster summoned by Byakko.

Kuwara first thrust his spiritual sword in a straight line. After that, he lured the monsters to the castle tower area. Then, he tied his spiritual sword in a circle so that it looked like a doughnut.

8. Energy Deflection

Energy Deflection was first demonstrated by Kuwabara when he fought against Shorin in a test held by Genkai. The technique allows Kuwabara to function his spiritual sword like a baseball bat.

During their battle, Shorin released a fireball energy attack called Circles of Inferno. Cleverly, Kuwabara hit the fireball and directed it back at Shorin.

7. Spiritual Strike

One of the interesting things about Kuwabara's spiritual sword is that its length can be adjusted and manipulated as he pleases. He can also make adjustments to the enemies he fights in battle.

For example, when Kuwabara faced Rinku in the Dark Tournament. To overcome Riku's Yo-Yo attack, Kuwabara extended his sword and issued a Spiritual Strike attack which was similar to a whip.

6. Spirit Sword Shards

Spirit Sword Shards can be said to be another version of Yusuke's Spirit Shotgun. This technique allows Kuwabara to produce large amounts of energy from his hands and shoot it at enemies.

In contrast to Yusuke's attacks, Kuwabara's energy shots are sharp like shuriken so the effect can cut the opponent's body. He had time to use this technique when he fought against Old Toguro in the Dark Tournament.

5. Spirit Sword

Spirit Sword aka Rei Ken is the signature move mastered by Kuwabara in YuYu Hakusho. He first awakened the spiritual sword when he fought Musashi in a test held by Genkai.

The power of the sword basically depends on how much energy Kuwabara focuses on. When he is in top condition, his sword has a very powerful slash. Vice versa. His sword became weak as he ran out of energy and stamina.

4. Double Spirit Sword

Double Spirit Sword is another variation of the Spirit Sword that Kuwabara developed after he trained hard with Kurama and Hiei. As the name suggests, this technique allows Kuwabara to create two swords at once.

With two swords in his hands, Kuwabara has more movement options. He can deal with consecutive attacks from various directions. He first demonstrated the technique when he fought Rinku.

3. Trial Sword

Different from Kuwabara's previous technique, the Trial Sword is a special item given by Suzuki. This item can absorb Kuwabara's spiritual energy and turn it into a special sword.

After practicing hard, Kuwabara was able to use this item and create a prism sword covered in electric sparks. When compared to the Spirit Sword, the Trial Sword's attack power is much stronger and more deadly.

2. Spirit Flyswatter

In the battle against Old Toguro, Kuwabara experienced difficulties because Old Toguro had the power of regeneration. The only way to kill him is to destroy his entire body until nothing remains.

Kuwabara uniquely has a clever way to overcome this problem. He changed the Trial Sword into a Spirit Flyswatter that was shaped like an electric racket. He then launched one final attack which destroyed Old Toguro's body.

1. Dimension Sword

It probably doesn't need to be debated that the Dimension Sword aka Jigen Tō is the strongest technique mastered by Kuwabara. This technique has the power to cut dimensions, including the barrier that separates the demon world from the human world.

Kuwabara first awakened the sword accidentally when he fought Seaman. At that time, his friends were in danger. Because this ability is very rare, Sensui also targets Kuwabara to complete his plan.

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