All Rangers in Power Rangers Jungle Fury

To stop Dai Shi's threat from taking over the earth, Power Rangers Jungle Fury must unite their powers and fight with the animal spirit within them. In addition, they use martial skills that are very similar to kung fu.

Well, here we want to review the information and the power of the Rangers that appear in the Jungle Fury story. Who are they? Come on, let's talk about it!

1. Casey Rhodes – Red Ranger

Casey is one of the new students at Pai Zhua Academy who is still studying martial arts. However, Casey has high courage to protect the weak and oppressed so that he gains the trust of Master Mao.

Unlike Theo and Lily, Casey was initially very bad at fighting and using weapons. However, Casey always learns from time to time so that he can become a trained fighter as well as the leader of the Rangers.

As a Red Ranger, Casey is very tough and he uses an interesting weapon in the form of a nunchaku. In addition, Casey can issue a Tiger Spirit to attack enemies. He is also equipped with a special motor called Strike Rider.

2. Theo Martin – Blue Ranger

Unlike Casey, Theo was a more senior student at Pai Zhua Academy. Thanks to his hard work, he was trusted by Master Mao to guard the box that sealed the evil spirit named Dai Shi.

Theo is very intelligent and quite chatty. Besides, he often does a lot of things that make him unable to focus. Although he had underestimated Casey, Theo gradually began to recognize Casey's power and he had time to teach Casey to use the nunchaku.

With the power of the Jaguar Spirit, Theo is able to fight very hard as a Blue Ranger. He uses an interesting weapon in the form of a tonfa to attack the enemy in the battle against Rinshi.

3. Lily Chilman – Yellow Ranger

The third Power Ranger in the Jungle Fury formation is Lily Chilman who is very beautiful and charming. She is a good friend of Theo since they were still studying at the Pang Zhua Academy. In addition, Lily is no less strong than Casey and Theo.

In the team, Lily usually acts as a mediator who usually calms Casey and Theo when they are both fighting. In addition, Lily is also very kind and welcome to anyone. She had become a confidant of her enemy, namely Chamille.

In terms of strength, Lily is very fast when compared to other Rangers. She has a Cheetah Spirit which she usually releases in battle. When turning into a Yellow Ranger, Lily is equipped with a weapon in the form of a stick.

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4. RJ – Wolf Ranger

Robert James alias RJ is a mentor to the Rangers and the owner of the Jungle Karma Pizzeria pizza shop. From his outward appearance as well as his easy going nature, he didn't look like a martial arts master. However, RJ is a very powerful master.

RJ's relationship with the Rangers is very interesting because they seem like close friends compared to master and disciples. RJ always gives the Rangers some strange training and advice. However, it was an effective way to make them stronger.

Unlike Ranger who uses Solar Morpher to transform, RJ uses a special device called Wolf Morpher to transform into Wolf Ranger. He has an attractive Wolf Spirit and he can summon other Ranger's Spirits to form a Megazord.

5. Dominic Hargan – Rhino Ranger

This man is usually called by the name Dom who has a ridiculous nature. Dom's never serious nature had made the Rangers pessimistic about him. However, Dom managed to prove that he deserved to be part of the Power Rangers team.

In the story, Dom always remembers the message from Master Mao to find his purpose in life. He finally knows that he is destined to control the power of the Rhino Spirit and fight against evil forces as a Rhino Ranger.

Dom transforms into a Ranger by utilizing a special bracelet called the Rhino Morpher. In addition, he is equipped with a Control Dagger that can be used to attack opponents and summon the Rhino Steelzord to the battlefield.

6. Elephant Rangers

Elephant Ranger is a Spirit Ranger created by Phantom Beasts through Crystal Eyes by utilizing Master Phant's spirit. This Power Ranger initially acts as an enemy for the Ranger who is controlled remotely.

The Elephant Ranger was superior in terms of physical strength. He can issue a strong punch or kick towards the opponent. In addition, he is equipped with an interesting weapon called the Jungle Mace.

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7. Bat Rangers

Just like the Elephant Ranger, the Bat Ranger is also part of the Spirit Ranger created from Master Swoop's spirit. He had fought as a very troublesome enemy for the Rangers.

In terms of strength, the Bat Ranger has a fighting style that is very similar to that of a bat. In addition, the Bat Ranger is equipped with a Jungle Fan weapon that transforms into a pair of fans. The finisher technique of the Bat Ranger looks very identical to the Jungle Pride Megazord attack.

8. Shark Ranger

The last Spirit Ranger in the Jungle Fury story is the Shark Ranger who was created through Master Finn's spirit. Before his powers were taken over by the Rangers, the Shark Ranger was a very difficult opponent for Rangers to face.

The fighting style of the Shark Ranger is very similar to that of a fierce shark. He is equipped with a weapon in the form of a Shark Saber sword. With that sword, the Shark Ranger can issue a deadly attack towards the opponent.

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