Black Clover: 10 Strongest Yuno's Techniques

Yuno is one of the greatest magic knights in the Clover kingdom as well as Asta's toughest rival in the story. Since childhood, Yuno was very talented in using wind magic. Thanks to his skills, he was chosen to be a member of the Golden Dawn army without any difficulty.

Yuno's abilities became even greater after he mastered spirit magic. By combining wind magic and spirit magic, Yuno can create various spells or magic techniques that are very powerful in battle.

In this article, we want to discuss a list of Yuno's strongest techniques in the Black Clover story. Come on, let's just discuss the following!

10. Wind Blade Shower

Shortly after joining Golden Dawn, Yuno gets a mission to explore a dungeon. In that place, he met a powerful enemy who had fire and ice magic.

However, Yuno wasn't worried in the slightest because he was basically strong at that time. To counter their magic, Yuno uses the Wind Blade Shower spell that takes the form of a wind sword.

9. Swift White Bow

When the Diamond Kingdom tries to attack the Clover kingdom, Yuno and the Golden Dawn army are given the task of fighting them. Without a second thought, Yuno immediately summoned the Spirit Bell and took out the Swift White Bow technique.

As the name implies, this magic technique is in the form of a bow and arrow that is quite large. After the preparations are complete, Yuno and Bell will shoot the arrows at the opponent. This magic technique is proven to be effective in destroying the opponent's magic.

8. Liable Tempes

Unlike the previous two techniques, Liable Tempes is a magic spell that aims to capture the enemy. This magic technique was first shown by Yuno when he and Asta fought against the Licht that far  stronger than them.

With this magic, Yuno had time to restrain Licht's movement like a spider web traps its target. However, this technique didn't work against Licht who was far superior to them. Nonetheless, this magic technique was still quite impressive.

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7. Sylph's Breath

Sylph's Breath could be considered as Yuno's technique that became the benchmark that he developed one step stronger. Yuno is able to use this technique once he senses the flow of mana around him.

With Sylph's help, Yuno condenses the surrounding mana and turns it into a giant spherical tornado. This technique proved effective against one of the members of the  Eye of The Midnight Sun named Chaterine.

6. Spirit Dive

Spirit Dive is an interesting magic Yuno created after he merged with Sylph. When activating this magic technique, Yuno's body is enveloped by mana. In addition, this magic technique allows him to maximize his magic abilities along with Bell's magic.

This magic was first shown by Yuno when he fought against Riil in the Royal Knight selection. Considering that he's up against one of the captains of the magic squad, Yuno also has to put all his fighting ability so that he doesn't lose.

5. Spirit Storm

As mentioned earlier, the battle between Yuno and Real was fierce because both of them were very formidable magic knights. Apart from relying on Spirit Dive, Yuno still has various powerful techniques.

An example is the Spirit Storm technique that Yuno shoots through his palm. The shot was created from the concentrated wind and was amplified with the power of the wind spirit. Because of that, its destructive power was quite terrifying.

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4. Spirit of Zephyr

Spirit of Zephyr is one of the strongest techniques that Yuno relies on in battle. To activate this technique, Yuno needs to enter Spirit Dive first. After that, he would create a sword made from the condensation of the surrounding mana.

The sword is capable of creating a tornado. In addition, the sword allows Yuno to face demons from the underworld. He had used this magic technique when he and Asta got into a fierce battle against Zagred.

3. Spirit of Boreas

Spirit of Boreas can be said to be another variation that is much more powerful than the previous technique. To use this technique, Yuno still needs help from Sylph. In addition, Yuno will create a halberd from condensed wind.

With this weapon, Yuno is able to issue a strong wind flow and is able to inflict extra damage on the opponent. This technique proved capable of destroying Zenon's bone magic which had been amplified by Beelzebub's magic.

2. Spirit of Euros

The way Spirit of Euros works is more or less similar to the previous technique. When activating this magic spell, Yuno will gather a large amount of mana and condense it into a pair of bows and arrows.

When fired, the arrow will shoot very quickly and attack the target with full power. By focusing power on his attacks, Yuno's arrows prove to be able to pierce the body of the possessor of demonic powers.

1. Saint Spirit of Zephyr

Saint Spirit of Zephyr is arguably the strongest technique Yuno has so far. As the name implies, this magic technique is a much more powerful version of the Spirit of Zephyr. With this technique, Yuno is able to inflict a fatal wound on Zenon Zogratis.

To activate this magic technique, Yuno and Sylph had to be in sync and reach resonance up to 100% so that their true power could be brought out to the maximum. Thanks to this magic, Yuno's sword becomes much stronger and has a terrifying slash.

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