10 Most Interesting Characters in Zootopia


For you fans of animated films made by Disney, you must be familiar with the film called Zootopia. This film was released in 2016 and tells the story of a young bunny who is idealistic and has a strong desire to become a great police officer.

On this occasion, we would like to share our opinion about the most interesting and popular characters in Zootopia. Who are they? Check out the complete information below!

10. Bellwether

From the outside, Bellwether seems friendly and so good with other animals. She also seems busy with her job as assistant mayor. Behind it, she is an evil and cunning character.

Bellwether is the mastermind behind the riots that occurred in Zootopia. She managed to make the image of predators so bad that they were hostile to the people of Zootopia. All that she did for the sake of domination and power.

9. Mr. Big

Contrary to his name, Mr. Big is a small mouse that looks neat and elegant. Even so, he is known as the most feared mafia leader in Tundratown. He oversees a strong subordinate.

Even though Mr. Big seems evil, he has honor as well as high self-esteem. He will repay anyone who has done good with his family members. That's what makes him so attractive.

8. Flash

Flash is one of the officers who work in the Department of Mamal Vehicles (DPV). Although he is very slow in acting and speaking, he is a polite and friendly slow loris. In addition, he has a good sense of humor.

Flash had time to help Nick and Judy when they both needed information about the license plate which is an important key to the investigation. In addition, he appears again at the end of the story when he is driving at a very high speed.

7. Gazelle

Unlike the previous characters, Gazelle is a pop star and idol of the Zootopia community. She has a glamorous and charming appearance. In addition, she has an interesting single entitled "Try Everything" sung by Shakira.

Despite its popularity, Gazelle is very friendly towards anyone. She values ​​equality and hates discrimination at Zootopia. Because of that, she joined in defending the rights of predators who had been slandered and shunned by other animals.

6. Bonnie & Stu Hopps

Bonnie & Stu Hopps are very kind and loving parents of Judy. They both live in a place called Bunnybrow. Everyday, they work as carrot farmers.

Bonnie and Stu were initially pessimistic about Judy's dream of becoming a police officer. However, they still respect Judy's dream and always support her. They were both very proud when Judy managed to make her dream come true.

5. Finnick

Finnick first appears when he and Nick carry out their sneaky stunt at an ice cream shop. He pretends to be a little baby who wants to enjoy delicious ice cream. However, all of this is just a trick.

Like the fox, Finnick is cunning and clever at deceiving. In addition, he is very smart in doing business and making money. Although he only plays a supporting character, Finnick is an interesting character.

4. Chief Bogo

As the chief of police in the Zootopia Police Department, Chief Bogo is a very strict and disciplined character. He has a temper that is quite vicious and scary. Despite this, he highly values ​​his work.

Chief Bogo may often be rude and unfair to Judy. He gave Judy a light and harmless task. Even so, he was very proud when Judy managed to solve a case that had been a mystery.

3. Clawhauser

Clawhauser is a fat cheetah who works as a receptionist at the Zootopia Police Department. He has a habit of eating snacks or donuts while on duty. That's what makes him so fun.

Not only that, Clawhauser is able to be friendly and friendly to anyone. He didn't look Judy in the eye. On the other hand, he was able to treat Judy like a good and supportive friend.

2. Judy Hops

As the main protagonist in the story, Judy Hops is described as an optimistic bunny and doesn't give up easily. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a policeman so she could make the world a better place.

Even though Judy succeeded in realizing her dream, she was still often belittled by other officers because she was just a bunny. However, she tries hard to prove that she can be a great cop.

1. Nick Wilde

Nick Wilde may be considered the most interesting and beloved Zootopia character. He is a cool and clever fox because he is good at tricking other people. Even so, he still had kindness in his heart.

Nick helps Judy in investigating the case of the mystery of the disappearance of several animals. With his knowledge and connections, Nick is able to become a very valuable work partner and friend for Judy.

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