Naruto: 10 Strongest Kaguya Otsutsuki Techniques, Ranked

As the final enemy in Naruto, Kaguya Otsutsuki has such an overpowering power that she is almost impossible to beat. In addition, she is able to use various high-level jutsu with terrible destructive power.

On this occasion, we would like to further discuss the list of the strongest Kaguya Otsutsuki's techniques. Check out the full discussion below!

10. Kanchi no Jutsu

Kanchi no Jutsu is a sensor type jutsu that is very useful in ninja battles. One of the characters who are very skilled in using this jutsu is Kaguya Otsutsuki.

This jutsu allows the user to track and detect targets through chakra. The range of this jutsu basically depends on how powerful the user is. The more powerful the user of this jutsu, then he will be able to track enemies in a wide range.

9. Kanashibari no Jutsu

Unlike the previous technique, Kanashibari no Jutsu is a jutsu that can paralyze the physical as well as the movement of the target. Anyone who is hit by this jutsu will be very vulnerable to being attacked by the enemy.

Although this jutsu is fairly simple, the power of this jutsu varies greatly and depends on the user. When used by Kaguya, this jutsu of course becomes very dangerous because she has terrible power.

8. Togebari

Kaguya has long hair and at first glance looks like a rabbit. Interestingly, she can use the hair as a weapon by activating a jutsu called Togebari.

When activating this technique, Kaguya will harden and lengthen her hair to attack the opponent's vital point. The attack from the hair proved able to penetrate Sasuke's Susanoo.

7. Yomutsu Hirasaka

Yomutsu Hirasaka is a typical kekkei mora technique owned by the Otsutsuki clan. That said, this technique is the origin of space-time ninjutsu. In addition, this technique has many advantages in combat.

This technique allows Kaguya to create a teleportation portal. She can teleport from one dimension to another in no time. In addition, she can use this technique to issue a surprise attack against the opponent.

6. Yasogami Kūgeki

When activating Yasogami Kūgeki, Kaguya will concentrate chakra on her palms to amplify her blow. This jutsu is very effective for both offensive and defensive purposes.

The prowess of this jutsu is increased when combined with the Byakugan. With this jutsu, Kaguya can issue a series of very powerful consecutive blows. This jutsu is proven to be able to destroy Susanoo easily.

5. Amenominaka

By utilizing the Rinne Sharingan, Kaguya Otsutsuki is able to issue a very powerful jutsu called Amenominaka. Unlike most space-time ninjutsu, this jutsu allows Kaguya to transfer a dimension to where she is.

For example, Kaguya can turn the battle area into a lava dimension or an ice dimension in the blink of an eye. Anyone within range of her territory will be affected by this jutsu.

4. Shin: Jukai Kōtan

Kaguya's next most interesting Jutsu is Shin: Jukai Kōtan. When using this jutsu, he will manipulate the roots of the God Tree and spread it throughout the world. Anyone who is entangled in these roots will be trapped in the illusion of Mugen Tsukuyomi.

When hit by this jutsu, the target's body will connect with the God Tree and they look like a cocoon. In addition, their chakra will be slowly absorbed and drained into the God Tree.

3. Tomogoroshi no Haikotsu

Tomogoroshi no Haikotsu is one of Kaguya's most lethal jutsu and difficult to deal with. When activating this technique, she will harden and lengthen her bones to penetrate her skin.

Kaguya can use the bone to attack the opponent directly or shoot it like a bullet at the enemy. The target affected by this jutsu will be destroyed and decomposed to ashes.

2. Bōchō Gudōdama

Unlike the ordinary Gudōdama, Bōchō Gudōdama has both insane and fantastic strength and size. This technique is activated by Kaguya by harnessing the chakra of people that had been absorbed by the God Tree.

In terms of strength, this technique is of course extremely destructive and has the potential to destroy the world. This technique also doesn't seem to have any limitations as Kaguya can create this technique from nothing.

1. Mugen Tsukuyomi

Mugen Tsukuyomi perhaps can be said as the greatest jutsu mastered by Kaguya. This jutsu is able to trap all people in the world in an illusion without limits. When activating this jutsu, Kaguya needs to reflect her Rinne Sharingan towards the moon.

The target caught in this genjutsu will continue to live in the dream world. Chakra and their life energy will be drained slowly. Because of that, the power of this jutsu is terrible and must be stopped for the good of the world.

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