All Main Characters in Samurai 7, Explained

Samurai 7 is an anime about samurai life produced by Gonzo Studio and aired in 2006. The anime series is based on the 1954 film Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa. This anime takes a futuristic setting and tells the story of seven samurai who are tough and brave in defending a poor village named Kanna which was attacked by bandits.

So, this time I want to discuss about all main characters in this anime. For those of you who have watched this anime before, surely you are quite familiar with the following samurai. Come on, let's review it together.

1. Shimada Kambei

This samurai is the leader of the group as well as the wisest samurai. Kambei is a very experienced samurai and has been through various battles in his life. He and Shichiroji also fought in the Great War. As a result of his defeat in a fight in the past, Kambei decides to live in the shadows because of his pain and dark past.

Despite his past trauma, Kambei is a very wise and strong samurai. He was also the one who decided that there should ideally be seven samurai in his group. Besides that, Kambei is good at strategizing and planning attacks to defend the village from enemies. 

While Kambei initially disapproves of Katsushiro's abilities, he eventually acknowledges the boy's strength and passes his sword to Katsushiro.

2. Katsushiro Okamoto

Next, there is Katsushiro Okamoto who is a young samurai and has no experience. He wished to become Kanbei's apprentice and almost called him Sensei from their first meeting. Katsushiro greatly admires Bushido's principles and he promises to protect Kirara no matter what because he likes her.

Throughout the story, Katsushiro grows very rapidly. He who was initially timid and liked to be surprised when attacked by enemies, slowly became brave. The proof, he was able to defeat the bandits with his own strength. 

In addition, he is also strong enough to deflect cannon attacks. After being rejected by Kirara, he decides to continue his life on the battlefield. He also received a sword from Kambei as a form of recognition as his student.

3. Katayama Gorobei

Katayama Gorobei is a talented samurai who has also been involved in the Great War. Because of this, Gorobei know about Kambei's reputation. After the war was over, he decided to live on the streets and entertain people. He thinks that life is a stage and people are just players on it.

In fighting, Gorobei is very skilled at avoiding attacks and has a high sense or sensitivity to the environment. In addition, he is also able to attract arrows that fly through the air. Unfortunately, Gorobei was killed when he was protecting his comrades from a bandit attack.

4. Shiciroji

Next, there is Shichiroji who is Kambei's partner in the big war. He decides to go to war once again with Kambei and leave his business at the successful Firefly Inn and leave behind his beautiful girlfriend Yukina.

In the past, Kambei is found by Yukina who is badly injured and drifts in a river. It reminds Yukina of an ancient Japanese legend that she calls Kambei by the nickname Momotaro. Kambei has a prosthetic left hand consisting of a hook connected to his index finger. In fighting, Shichiroji does not use a sword like his friends, but he uses a spear.

5. Kikuchiyo

Kikuchiyo is a cyborg with a mechanized exoskeleton. He was determined to become a samurai so he could help others. However, he is often seen as a bully because of his irritable attitude and often causing trouble.

Kikuchiyo is accepted by Kambei after he admits to being a farmer just like Kanna's farmer. In addition, he also has great loyalty to Kambei and repays the kindness he receives four times over. In battle, Kikuchiyo uses a large sword that can function as a saw in battle. Unfortunately, he was killed to protect Kanna from destruction.

6. Hayashida Heihachi

Next, there is a reliable samurai and mechanic named Hayashida Heihachi. He has a very friendly demeanor and always tries to avoid fighting as much as possible. In addition, he also really likes to eat rice. During the great war, Heihachi served as a combat engineer which enabled him to fight on the front lines by relying on his mechanical abilities.

In the group of samurai seven, Heihachi's mechanical abilities are very helpful and he is able to construct medium-range attack-type weapons. He also really hates betrayal because he once betrayed which caused all of his unit mates to be killed. At the end of the story, Heihachi dies after being hit by a giant iron bar. Even so, he still smiles to show his friendliness at the end of the story.

7. Kyuzo

Lastly, there is Kyuzo who is mysterious and also quiet. This samurai originally worked as a bodyguard for Ayamaro. He has ambitions to fight Kambei at first, but he later chooses to join forces with Kambei and company so he can protect Kambei and kill him in the end.

He is a very tough samurai and skilled in battle. He uses two swords that are behind his back. With those two swords, he can easily defeat his enemies. In addition, he is also agile and his strength is almost that of Kambei's. Unfortunately, he allows himself to be killed by Katsushiro's attack at the end of the story.

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