Naruto: 10 Strongest Neji Hyuga Techniques, Ranked

Neji Hyuga is one of the great ninjas in the Naruto story. Because he was born from the Hyuga clan, Neji is very skilled in using the Byakugan and taijutsu techniques in fights between ninjas.

On this occasion, we will discuss a list of Neji's most powerful and interesting jutsu in the story. For more details, check the complete information below!

10. Juken: Tenketsushin

Juken: Tenketsushin is a jutsu that Neji is very good at. This Jutsu allows Neji to precisely target the opponent's chakra points.

When using this jutsu, Neji will focus his two finger attacks on the opponent. If the attack hits the target, the target's chakra flow will be halted. With this technique, Neji can easily paralyze the opponent's movements.

9. Hakke Kusho

Hakke Kusho is practically very similar to the Hakkesho Kaiten technique. However, this jutsu has a more specific attack range. In addition, Neji needs to focus his Byakugan so that his attacks are more precise.

After targeting the opponent's vital points, Neji will issue a palm strike at a very high speed so that the opponent has difficulty parrying it. In addition, the attack from this jutsu is so strong that it can knock the opponent away.

8. Hakke Hazangeki

Hakke Hazangeki is a more powerful version of the Hakke Kusho technique. When using this technique, Neji will attack enemies at close range with full strength and speed.

First of all, Neji needs to radiate chakra through his palms. After that, he will strike the enemy with that palm until the opponent is sent flying backwards and takes some damage.

7. Hakke Kuhekisho

Hakke Kuhekisho is another, more interesting variation of the Hakke Kusho technique. When using this technique, Neji needs to use both palms. In addition, this technique can be issued by two members of the Hyuga clan at the same time.

With both of his palms covered in compressed chakra, he is able to emit powerful shockwaves towards his opponent. In addition, this technique also targets the opponent's vital points with full power to make the opponent helpless.

6. Omote Renge: Hakkesho Kaiten

As the name implies, this technique is a collaborative jutsu between Rock Lee and Neji. When issuing this technique, Neji will jump into the air then Lee will throw his bandages to bind Neji's body.

Lee and Neji will issue the Omote Renge technique along with Hakkesho Kaiten simultaneously. After that, they rotated at an extremely high speed and then directed their attack towards the target with full power.

5. Jukenho Ichigekishin

Jukenho Ichigekishin is a very interesting jutsu belonging to the Hyuga clan. This technique allows members of the Hyūga clan to attack an opponent with a large amount of chakra, causing the opponent to be sent flying.

In addition, techniques can be used to attack weak points in opponent's jutsu. For example, Neji once used this technique to break Kisame Hoshigaki's water prison jutsu.

4. Juken

Juken is a special jutsu belonging to the Hyuga clan which has been passed down from generation to generation. This jutsu is in the form of a soft fist that focuses on attacking and destroying the chakra pathway system in the opponent's body.

When using this jutsu, Neji will inject his chakra into the opponent's chakra points. Apart from disrupting the opponent's chakra flow, this technique also causes damage to the opponent's organs. Because of that, this technique is very dangerous.

3. Hakkesho Kaiten

Hakkesho Kaiten is a secret taijutsu technique belonging to the Hyuga clan that only the head of the clan and their heirs know about. Even though Neji came from a branch family, he was able to master this technique through deep observation.

When using this technique, Neji will emit all the chakra that is in his body and then rotate at a very high speed. Thanks to this technique, Neji is able to create a very strong defense and is able to block various enemy attacks.

2. Hakke Rokujoyon Sho

Just like the previous technique, Hakke Rokujoyon Sho is a secret jutsu that is only known by the main family of the Hyuga clan. With his genius as well as his perseverance, Neji managed to use this technique very skillfully.

When this technique is activated, Neji will fully focus his Byakugan's vision. After that, he will issue a series of high-speed attacks towards the target for a total of 64 attacks.

This technique is able to stop the flow of chakra belonging to the target to make them paralyzed. In addition, Neji can divide the number of attacks to attack multiple targets at once.

1. Hakke Hyaku Nijuhassho

Although this technique only appears in the anime, Hakke Hyaku Nijuhassho is arguably the greatest technique Neji has ever used. He used this technique to defeat Kidomaru in a battle of life and death.

This technique is a stronger version of the Hakke Rokujoyon Sho. When issuing this technique, Neji will issue a series of attacks up to 128 attacks with a very impressive speed.

This technique is able to deflect various attacks from the opponent, such as when Neji destroyed Kidomaru's spider. In addition, this technique will be very deadly when it hits one target precisely.

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