10 Best Characters in Keroro Gunsou, Ranked

Keroro Gunsou is an old anime that funny and interesting to watch. The anime tells the story of an alien invasion named Keronian who intends to conquer the earth. One of the aliens assigned to carry out the mission is Keroro and his platoon team.

The funny thing is, Keroro doesn't attack humans. Instead, he is good friends with humans and starts to like the earth. Because of that, Keroro decided to protect the earth with his friends.

So, on this occasion, we would like to discuss the best and most nostalgic Keroro characters. Who are they? Come on, let's just see below!

10. Kiruru

Kiruru is an artificial Keronian who becomes the main enemy for Keroro and friends in the film Keroro Gunso the Super Movie. This character is very dangerous because Kiruru has the potential to destroy the entire earth with his strength.

Kiruru is able to absorb energy from negative human emotions and make that negative energy a source of strength. The more energy he absorbs, Kiruru is able to turn into a giant with terrible destructive power.

9. Pururu

This character is a childhood friend of Keroro and Dororo. She has a good nature and is firm, but also a bit arrogant. In the story, she acts as the leader of the medical team from the Garuru platoon.

Pururu used to carry large injections. She can use it as a weapon for fighting and as a tool to heal the wounds of her comrades. Uniquely, Pururu also has access to transform into human form.

8. Zoruru

Next, there is the character Zoruru who has the appearance of a cyborg. The left side of his body is made of mechanics and his left hand holds a secret sword that can be used in combat. Besides that, Zoruru also has a cold nature.

Zoruru has a personal grudge against Dororo. Because of that, he prioritized the intention of revenge rather than the main mission given to him. Apart from that, this character is a strong fighter from Garuru's platoon.

7. Tororo

This character is a member of the Garuru team who acts as a hacker and intelligence expert. Her skills were more or less on par with Kururu's and the two of them were very fierce rivals.

Tororo is ambitious to prove his high intelligence and takes down Kururu. Even so, Tororo never got the victory because he was defeated by Kururu many times.

6. Garuru

Well, this one character is the leader of the Garuru team who is given the task of taking over Keroro's mission of taking over the earth. He is a firm and strong leader. In addition, he is also the older brother of Giroro.

Garuru always tries to make the best decision for his team. Throughout the story, Garuru used to get into fights with the Keroro team. Because of that, the presence of Garuru and his platoon frightened Keroro.

5. Dororo

Dororo is one of the best assassins owned by the Keron Army. He joins the Keroro team to conquer the earth. The funny thing is, he instead ignores the mission and prefers to become a ninja as well as a protector of the earth.

Dororo used to spend his time meditating and practicing. Because of that, he is usually ignored by his friends to make him feel inferior. Besides that, Dororo used to get into fights with Zoruru who became his nemesis.

4. Kururu

Next, there is Kururu who acts as a strategist as well as an IT expert in the Keroro team. He is very genius and has a very complex personality. The funny thing is, his genius increased drastically after he ate hot curry spices.

Even though Kururu's rank is higher than Keroro, she is not trusted to be the team leader because of her selfish and scary nature. Therefore, he only acts as a subordinate of Keroro. Apart from that, Kururu has an important role to block Tororo's attack from the Garuru team.

3. Tamama

This character is the youngest and newest member of the Keroro team. He seems to have a split personality and often experiences very significant changes of heart. He can appear very kind and friendly, but he can turn into a rage.

In battle, Tamama has attacks similar to chi techniques. His main attack is Tamama Impact which allows him to emit energy beams from his mouth. Not only that, he also developed kicking techniques that he learned from children who like soccer.

2. Giroro

Giroro might be considered as the strongest fighter owned by the Keroro team. He has a very violent and irritable nature. Throughout his life, Giroro dedicated himself to continuing to train and become a proud soldier.

Giroro's hard work is not without intent and purpose. He wants to be strong like his older brother and live up to his family's expectations. In fighting, Giroro used to use various kinds of firearms. However, he has a negative side because he often leaves his platoon alone.

1. Keroro

The best character on this list is of course Keroro who is the main character in the story. He is a sergeant as well as the leader of the Keroro team. Instead of conquering the earth, Keroro even befriends humans and likes the planet.

Everyday, Keroro usually acts as a washerman as well as a maid at Hinata's house. Not only that, he really likes reading manga and following Gundam stories. Although a bit silly, Keroro is actually strong and very smart in terms of military strategy. Uniquely, Keroro will get stronger when he eats star fruit.

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