10 Most Powerful Piccolo Jr. Techniques in Dragon Ball

Piccolo Jr. is one of the strong fighters as well as Goku's good friend in the Dragon Ball story. He is a Namekian who comes from the planet Namek. In addition, he often helps Goku and friends to fight enemies that threaten the earth.

In fighting, Piccolo uses a variety of very powerful and interesting techniques. What are they? Come on, check the following review right away!

10. Kaikosen

Kaikosen is a very simple Piccolo technique. To use this technique, Piccolo only needs to shoot a beam through his two antennas. Piccolo first used this technique in the Garlic Junior arc.

Interestingly, this technique was first shown by Buyon in the story Red Ribbon Army. Although this technique is not Piccolo's strongest technique, it is quite impressive and capable of surprising opponents.

9. Regeneration

One of the advantages possessed by the Namekian race is the regeneration ability. Piccolo first showed this ability when he fought Goku.

When Piccolo is injured by an opponent's attack, he can regenerate the parts of his body that have been destroyed by regenerating new cells. Because of that, this ability is very useful for Piccolo in battle.

8. Bunshin

In addition to his regeneration ability, Piccolo is also capable of creating clones alias clones in battle. This ability appears quite often throughout the story because there are several other characters who can use this technique, such as Tien Shinhan.

Not only one clone, Piccolo was able to create three identical duplicates of himself. In addition, he is able to use Tien's signature technique to create a large number of clones. By utilizing this technique, Piccolo can easily gang up on opponents.

7. Bakurihama

Basically, Bakurihama is the ultimate technique of King Piccolo. However, Piccolo Jr. are also capable of using this technique in battle. The attack from this technique may look very similar to a shotgun shot.

When issuing this technique, Piccolo will focus ki on one hand. After that, he will fire Bakurihama at full power. The attack effect of this technique is proven to be able to destroy Eastern City.

6. Renzoku Sen Kodan

Renzoku Sen Kodan is one of Piccolo's most famous techniques in Dragon Ball Z. To use this technique, Piccolo needs several special moves as preparation.

After that, Piccolo will shoot the opponent with several concentrated Ki shots. This attack is quite difficult for the opponent to dodge. In fact, Goku used to be overwhelmed when dealing with this technique.

5. Bakukaze

Bakukaze is Piccolo's technique that appears exclusively in the anime's storyline. He first used this technique on Nappa who was intent on attacking Krillin. In addition, this technique has a visual effect that looks interesting.

After Piccolo electrifies his entire body, he then fires a spiraling energy attack at the opponent. The effect of this attack deals so much damage that it can destroy a nearby mountain.

4. Makuhoidan

Makuhoidan is arguably a more powerful variation of Renzoku Sen Kodan. This technique left a very impressive impression in Piccolo's fight against Android 17. Apart from that, this technique is able to lock the opponent's movement.

When issuing this technique, Piccolo will shoot several energy balls randomly at the opponent. After that, Piccolo will turn the balls into a series of explosions. Even though this technique is very powerful, unfortunately Android 17 is still able to withstand this technique.

3. Kuchi Kara Kikoha

Unlike the previous technique, Kuchi Kara Kikoha can be considered as a technique that appears quite often in stories. Not only Piccolo, there are several characters capable of using this technique, such as Oozarus, Dodoria.

The way this technique works is quite simple, but the attack power is very terrible. When issuing this technique, Piccolo will shoot an energy blast through his mouth and destroy whatever is in front of him.

2. Makansosappo

Makansosappo is one of Piccolo's signature techniques in the story. This technique is a very powerful laser shot and was created with the aim of defeating Goku. However, this technique requires a long focus and preparation.

When issuing this technique, Piccolo will focus his two fingers on the forehead and fill it with ki. After that, he would fire it at the opponent with full power. Interestingly, Piccolo developed this technique to become much stronger when he fought Nappa.

1. Gekiretsu Kodan

Gekiretsu Kodan is arguably Piccolo's strongest technique which is the most interesting in the story. This technique looks similar to Kamehameha. When issuing this technique, Piccolo will create a ball of energy in his hand.

After the preparations are complete, he will shoot the ball at the opponent causing great destructive power. He once demonstrated this technique in a fierce battle against Cell. Moreover, he has another variation of this technique which is much more powerful.

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