10 Most Popular Characters in Ragnarok The Animation, Ranked

Ragnarok The Animation is an old anime adapted from the MMORPG Ragnarok Online game. The story of the anime focuses on the adventures of Roan and his friends to defeat an evil being called the Dark Lord.

While reminiscing, this time we will discuss the most interesting characters in Ragnarok The Animation. Come on, check out the full review below!

10.Abysmal Knight

The Abysmal Knight is one of the Dark Lord's strongest servants. That said, he had gone through many great adventures in the past. Not only that, he is also known as a very feared monster in Glastheim.

Abysmal Knight has a sword called Blade Lost in Darkness. The sword has a special ability to turn anyone it stabs into an evil figure.

9. Keough

Keough is the older brother of Yufa who turned evil after being stabbed by the Abysmal Knight's sword. He later became a loyal servant of the Dark Lord. Moreover, he was trying to drag Yufa down into the abyss of darkness.

Keough aims for the crystal held by Yufa to awaken the Dark Lord. He had made Iruma and his friends hassle. Nonetheless, he eventually came to his senses and regretted his evil deeds.

8. Zephyr

Next, there is the master magician named Zephyr. He has a chaotic and Joker-like personality. He laughs easily for no apparent reason. In addition, he can also perform crazy actions.

Zephyr has quite a tragic background. He lost his family in an experiment that failed. Apart from that, he was also badly labeled by the public. As a result, he fell into darkness and became the Dark Lord's subordinate.

7.Dark Lord

As the name implies, the Dark Lord can be said to represent all the evil that exists in Rune-Midgard. In addition, he has great strength so that he is superior to other monsters.

The Dark Lord has the main goal to dominate the world filled with monsters. He also became a serious threat to people. Despite this, he is not easy to deal with as he is very cunning and manipulative.

6. Judia

Judia is a hunter who is beautiful. In the beginning, she was very bad at using arrows. After she met Irugo, her skill gradually improved.

Judia begins to have feelings for Iruga as time goes by. She tries to help Iruga throughout her adventures. Apart from being an expert in archery, she can also read tarot cards.

5. Maya

Next, there is a beautiful and cunning merchant named Maya. She used to join a group of adventurers to loot and earn a lot of money. Her bad habit comes from her pretty tragic past.

Maya is usually accompanied by her cute pet named Moi Moi. She did act badly to other people. However, she decided to change after she met Roan and Yufa.

4. Takius

Takius is a blind magician who once studied under Zephyr. She is very skilled at using magic spells. Besides, she has a mission to find the "true truth" according to the orders of her teacher.

When Zephyr turned evil, he manipulated Takius to serve the Dark Lord. However, Takius managed to escape from her teacher's influence until she transformed into a Sage.

3. Yufa

Yufa is one of the important characters in the story. She had been good friends with Roan since they were little. Although she is often seen smiling, she feels sad after she lost her brother.

As an acolyte, Yufa has the ability to heal. She can use holy magic to treat the wounds of her comrades. Because of that, she plays an important role as a support in the team.

2. Iruga Alam

Iruga Alam is considered the oldest and strongest member of his team. He has skills as an assassin. Moreover, he had a great sense of responsibility to protect Roan and Yufa.

In the story, Iruga forms a strong friendship with Keough. After seeing Keough being manipulated by the Dark Lord, he was furious too. He was determined to reclaim Keough from the hands of the Dark Lord.

1. Roan

As the main protagonist of the story, Roan is described as a character who is brave and full of determination. He has expertise as a sword user. Moreover, he was obsessed with getting stronger.

As long as he had strength, Roan believed that he could protect Yufa and company. He also fought to the last drop of blood to defeat the Dark Lord. After the battle ends, he is seen married to Yufa at the end of the story.

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