One Piece: 10 Best Battles in Thriller Bark, Ranked

While docked at Thriller Bark, Luffy and his friends are involved in a conflict with Gecko Moria and his horror and scary zombies. On top of that, they had to reclaim the shadows that had been stolen by Moria.

In this article, we want to review the best battles in the Thriller Bark story. What are they? Check the discussion below!

10. Nami vs. Absalom

Since the first time he saw Nami, Absalom was so infatuated with Nami that he planned to marry her. Of course, Nami is disgusted with Absalom so she balks at the marriage.

After regaining consciousness, Nami immediately attacked Absalom with a Lightning Clima Tact attack. The attack basically wouldn't have a fatal effect on Absalom. However, he was defeated because he was seriously injured after receiving Sanji's kick.

9. Chopper & Robin vs. Dr. Hogback, Inuppe, Jigoro, & Victoria Cindry

Chopper at first greatly admired Dr. Hogback is very famous in the world of medicine. However, he slowly hated Hogback after he learned of Hogback's heinous actions.

Chopper and Robin then fight Dr. Hogback. However, the battle was quite difficult because Hogback was protected by strong zombies, such as Inuppe, Jigoro and Victoria Cindry. The two of them also experienced difficulties when fighting these zombies.

8. Brook vs Tararan

Tararan is one of the strongest zombies in Thriller Bark. As his name implies, he has a monkey-like face with a giant spider body. He is capable of shooting extremely sticky webs.

For Brook, Tararan is not a difficult opponent. He had known the weakness of Moria's zombies. Because of that, he could kill Tararan with a single slash of his sword in the blink of an eye.

7. Sanji vs. Absalom

When he heard that Nami was kidnapped by Absalom and was about to be made a bride, Sanji felt so angry that his body burned with jealousy. He immediately headed to the wedding venue to stop Absalom's madness.

Without further ado, Sanji immediately attacked Absalom with a very strong kick. In terms of strength, he was indeed superior to Absalom. However, the battle was quite difficult because Sanji had to fight while protecting Nami's beautiful face.

6. Usopp vs. Perona

The fight between Usopp vs Perona is one of the funniest and most unforgettable fights in the One Piece story. With the power of the Horo Horo no Mi, Perona is able to make her enemies helpless and become pessimistic.

However, Perona's powers did not apply to Usopp, who was filled with negative energy from the start. Usopp also ventured to fight against Perona and the zombies who escorted her.

5. Nightmare Luffy vs. Oars

After receiving the shadows of 100 people, Luffy also underwent an unexpected transformation. His body expands to become bigger and blue. In addition, his strength was so overwhelming that he had quite a hard time controlling it.

Nightmare Luffy then fights against Oars who has been causing trouble for his friends. He was able to deal fatal punches and attacks on Oars. Unfortunately, this power can only last for a while.

4. Zoro vs Ryuma

Ryuma is known as a legendary samurai from Wano country. He wields a famous black sword named Shisui. After his corpse was stolen by Moria, he was resurrected as a zombie using Brook's shadow.

Zoro then confronts Ryuma to restore Brook's shadow and get Shisui's sword. Their fight was very intense and almost even. However, Zoro managed to issue his strongest attack to defeat the zombie Ryuma.

3. Luffy vs Gecko Moria (Final Fight)

In the final battle against Gecko Moria, Luffy must race against time as he must reclaim his shadow before the sun rises. The fight was very tense to watch.

After absorbing more than 1000 shadows on Thriller Bark, Moria turned into a giant monster. Even though his strength is so great, he starts to go out of control until he is defeated by a combination of Luffy's Gear 2nd and Gear 3rd techniques.

2. SHP vs Oars

Oars is one of the toughest enemies the SHP group has ever faced. He has a body that is fantastic in size and exceeds the size of the giant Elbaf. Additionally, he was resurrected by Moria by using Luffy's shadow.

In order to recapture Luffy's shadow, Zoro and the other SHP members must fight tooth and nail to defeat Oars. The fight was almost impossible to win. However, their combined strength was able to make Oars fall in the end.

1. Zoro vs Bartholomew Kuma

According to the writer, the battle between Zoro and Bartholomew Kuma is the most exciting and tense battle in the Thriller Bark story. The two of them were not comparable opponents at that time.

Zoro and the other SHP crew have run out of steam after a long battle against Oars and Moria. They are like easy targets for Kuma. Even so, Zoro did not give up so easily.

Zoro realized that he lost badly in front of Kuma. He then begged Kuma to take his life in exchange for Luffy's. Zoro's sacrifice at that time showed his great determination and loyalty to Luffy.

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