10 Strongest Nico Robin's Techniques in One Piece, Ranked

Nico Robin is an archaeologist as well as a very beautiful and intelligent member of the Straw Hats. She  has the power of the Devil Fruit Hana Hana no Mi which allows her to grow her limbs wherever she wants.

In this article, we would like to further discuss the best of Robin's techniques in the story. What are they? Check the discussion below!

10. Clutch

Clutch is one of the mainstay techniques that characterizes Robin as a Hana Hana no Mi user. With this technique, Robin is able to crush the bones of her enemies through long-range attacks.

Additionally, Robin is able to use this technique to attack multiple opponents. Even so, this technique is only effective against enemies who are physically weak and vulnerable to attack.

9. Cuerpo Fleur

After training with the revolutionary army for two years, Robin's fighting skills have improved tremendously. She is not only able to grow body parts, but she is able to create clones through the Cuerpo Fleur technique.

Robin can bring up the clone wherever she wants. She can use the clone to distract the opponent's attention or to attack the opponent directly.

8. Double Clutch

Double Clutch was first used by Nico Robin when she attacked Hammond in the battle against the New-Fishman pirates. This technique is quite deadly for those who have a weak physique.

To use this technique, Robin needs to create a clone with an extra hand. After that, the clone will freeze the opponent's body and then slowly break the opponent's bones.

7. Mil Fleur

Mil Fleur includes Robin's technique shown by Robin after the time skip. With this technique, Robin is able to grow a thousand hands at once. She can use this technique to create giant arms or legs.

Robin first demonstrated this technique to save the Thousand Sunny from crashing into the mountains under the sea. When it first appears, this technique looks very impressive.

6. Gigantesco Mano

After using Mil Fleur's technique, Robin is able to issue Gigantesco Mano's technique to attack the enemy. As the name implies, this technique allows Robin to grow her legs and arms in a giant form.

Seeing its size, the attack power of this technique is quite terrible. Not only that, Robin is able to use a variety of other attacks to attack enemies, such as the Stomp and Spank techniques.

5. Fish-Man Karate: Gigantesco

Besides learning to control his devil fruit powers, Robin also learned the basics of Gyojin Karate techniques with Koala during the time skip. She is also able to combine karate techniques and her devil fruit to create the Fish-Man Karate: Gigantesco technique.

This technique was first shown by Robin in the battle against Black Maria. When using this technique, she needs to create a giant hand. After that, she would attack the target with the giant's palm to create a shockwave effect.

4. Gigante Fleur

Gigante Fleur is one of Robin's strongest and most interesting techniques. Just like the previous technique, this technique was also shown by Robin when she fought fiercely against Black Maria.

Through this technique, Robin is able to create a giant version of herself. She can also bring up some additional limbs as support. Besides that, Robin can issue much more powerful attacks on opponents.

3.Sea Serpent

After removing Gigante Fleur, Robin is able to create a unique attack called Sea Serpent. As the name implies, the attack of this technique is almost like a snake that moves slowly but deadly.

When using this technique, Robin tries to catch her enemy with her giant body parts. This technique was basically impressive, but it still couldn't defeat a fighter as powerful as Black Maria.

2. Demonio Fleur

Demonio Fleur can be said to be one of Robin's strongest techniques at the moment. When removing this technique, Robin will create a giant clone that looks scary like a demon that has wings and horns.

When she first demonstrated this technique, Robin managed to intimidate Black Maria to the point where Black Maria's defense opened wide. Without waiting for a long time, Robin defeated Black Maria in one decisive attack.

1. Gran Jacuzzi Clutch

Gran Jacuzzi Clutch is Robin's strongest technique that she released when using Demonio Fleur. The way this technique works is basically the same as the clutch in general, but the attack power is terrible.

By utilizing the power of Demonio Fleur, Robin is able to lock the opponent's movements instantly. After that, she would break the bones of her enemies in an instant. This technique proved capable of defeating Black Maria.

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