Jubei-Chan: The Ninja Girl is an anime about ninjas written by Akitaro Daichi. The anime tells about the adventures of a beautiful girl named Jiyuu Nanohana. She is the reincarnation of the legendary swordsman named Yagyuu Juubei.
With the help of Lovely Eyepatch, Jiyuu can turn into a ninja who is skilled in swords. She also lived a life full of dangers and obstacles. She needs to use her powers in dangerous situations.
In this article, we would like to discuss the best characters in Jubei-Chan. Guess who they are? Check out the full review below!
10. Dayu Taiko
Dayu Taiko is the manifestation of all of Daigo Ryuujouji's hatred and sense of revenge after he was defeated by Yaguu Juubei. He was able to survive for 300 years because he wanted to see Juubei rise and defeat him.
Dayu has the ability to merge with someone and control that person's body. He once disguised himself as a teacher at Hontsuru Jr. high. Moreover, he always tries to beat Jiyuu in various ways.
9. Kozaru & Oozaru
Kozaru and Oozaru are a duo member of the Ruffians who have monkey-like characteristics. They are very funny and often act silly in the story. Besides, they are always seen together.
Both also have very unique habits. They really like to criticize their leader bluntly. In addition, they often react quickly when their leader is injured or in trouble.
8. Freesia Yagyuu
Freesia Yagyuu is the daughter of Yagyuu Juubei and Trisia. When her father was involved in a fierce battle against Ressai, she fell into a lake until she was trapped in an ice block for 300 years.
Freesia wakes up after the ice melts. She then came to Hokkaido and was cared for by the animals. After she saw Jiyuu holding the Lovely Eyepatch, she believed that the girl was very worthy of inheriting the power from her father.
7. Mikage Tsumura
Mikage Tsumura was originally an assassin hired by the Ryuujouji clan to kill Jiyuu. After she was defeated by Jiyuu, she devoted herself as Jiyuu's protector.
Mikage always helps Jiyuu whenever the girl is in trouble. Uniquely, she looks a lot like Jiyuu's mother who passed away. It also makes Jiyuu's father feel nostalgic until he falls in love with her.
6. Hajime Ryujouji
When he first appeared, Hajime Ryuujoji was only shown in silhouette. She was one of the enemies who were after Jiyuu's Lovely Eyepatch. In addition, he is the headmaster of Ryuujouji and Shirou's twin brother.
Despite this, Shirou had a difference of opinion with Hajime. They had fought until the fight was stopped by Jiyuu. After he was defeated, Hajime's grudge disappeared.
5. Shirou Ryuujouji
Shirou Ryuujouji is one of the characters who falls in love with Jiyuu. He first met Jiyuu while they were walking in the forest. He has a very enthusiastic and friendly nature.
Unlike the other members of the Ryuujouji clan, Shirou doesn't really care about revenge. He was possessed by the spirit of Dayu Taiko until he almost killed Jiyuu. However, he managed to defeat Dayu and regain his consciousness.
4. Bantaro Sanbonmatsu
Bantaro Sanbonmatsu is known as the leader of the famous Ruffians gang in Hontsuru Jr. high. He is not very intelligent and often performs stupid stunts. Despite that, he is highly respected by his two men.
Besides that, Bantaro is a character who is infatuated with Jiyuu. Since the first time he met Jiyuu, that feeling of love grew within Bantaro. He is also willing to do anything to protect her from harm.
3. Sai Nanohana
Sai Nanohana is Jiyuu Nanohana's father who is very kind and responsible. After his wife died, he tried to take care of Jiyuu as best he could. He wanted to make his daughter feel happy.
Outside of his daily life as a father, Sai is a very reliable ghostwriter. He wrote a whimsical samurai play. After hearing Mikage's story, he begins to realize the fact that his daughter has inherited the power of a legendary samurai.
2. Koinosuke Odagou
Koinosuke Odagou is a loyal follower of Yagyuu Juubei. He gains the trust of Juubei to find a worthy successor to inherit his master's power. Because of that, he carried out this mission with full responsibility.
After 300 years, Koinosuke also met Jiyuu. He kept forcing Jiyuu until the girl agreed to use Lovely Eyepatch. Despite his appearance, he admits that he has no fighting skills.
1. Jiyuu Nanohana
Jiyuu Nanohana is a beautiful girl who is very popular among boys. When transforming into Yagyuu Juubei, Jiyuu transforms into a completely different person. She looks so tough and full of courage.
Jiyuu has a sword technique called Yagyuu Shinkageryuu Mutodori which is very fast and precise. Every time she defeated her enemy, she could remove their grudge or hatred towards the Yagyuu.