10 Best Characters in Nonbiri Nouka's Isekai

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is an interesting isekai anime in 2023 adapted from the light novel by Kinosuke Naito. The story of the anime focuses on a man named Hikaru Machio who becomes a farmer and village head in another world.

In his previous world, Hikaru was a weak and sickly man. After he died, he was given a second life by a god according to his wishes. He was also given a healthy body and great ability in farming.

On this occasion, MogiMogy would like to discuss the best characters in Isekai Nonbiri Nouka. Who are they? Check out the full review below!

10. Zabuton

Zabuton is a spider demon that people fear. Even so, she has a pretty cute appearance. She lived in a tree that had been provided by Hikaru.

Zabuton has expertise as a tailor. She is able to weave cloth from her cobwebs and make attractive clothes. In addition, she also acts as a keeper who gives warnings when enemies or guests come to the village.

9. Ann

Next, there is a beautiful maid named Ann who comes from the Oni race who has horns. She and a group of maids were brought first to the village by Flora. The presence of her and her friends makes Hikaru's household chores easier.

Ann is often seen serving food in the kitchen. She also enjoys trying new recipes according to the village head's directions. What is clear, she has a high dedication and able to act professionally while working.

8. Rasutisumoon

Unlike Ann, Rasutisumoon is the beautiful daughter of Doraimu. She is known as a very ferocious dragon and is feared by people. However, she is naturally sweet.

Rasutisumoon has very strong strength so she is not suitable for physical work, such as farming or washing dishes. She was also entrusted by Hikaru to become the representative of the Big Tree Village in diplomatic matters with other parties.

7. Flora

Flora is the younger sister of Rurushi Ru who has a hobby of research. She came to Big Tree Village to check on her older sister. After that, she felt at home and chose to stay in the village.

Flora is commonly seen in her private space which looks a lot like a laboratory. She used to research medicines and new things she found in the village head's field. In addition, she is very interested in making miso.

6. Hakuren

Next, there is a dragon and Rasutisumoon's beautiful aunt named Hakuren. She first came to Big Tree Village because she heard about Rasutisumoon's marriage. She also likes to live in the village.

Hakuran has a very lazy nature and likes to sleep. Even so, she is trusted by Hikaru to be a teacher who teaches children to count and read.

5. Kuro

Kuro is an inferno wolf who is very loyal to Hikaru. He first came to the village with his couple who was pregnant at the time. After being cared for by Hikaru properly, he also considers Hikaru as his employer.

Kuro and his children always monitor the situation in the forest and attack anyone who is suspicious. His existence had made Ru and other residents afraid. However, they gradually began to feel comfortable with Kuro's existence.

4. Ria

Ria is a high elf who has a beautiful face and a hard-working personality. She and her friends always live moving from one place to another. Because of that, they were very happy when they could settle down in Hikaru village.

Ria and her friends have expertise in architecture. They can build a magnificent and attractive house. Besides that, they are also easy to adapt to the tasks given by Hikaru.

3. Tia

Next, there is a beautiful and winged angel named Tia. She first came to the village to hunt Ru who was considered a fugitive. The funny thing is, she instead accepts Ru's invitation to live together in the village.

At first Tia wasn't used to working in the fields where her body was dirty. However, she gradually began to enjoy the work. She is also very happy with the delicious dishes made by Hikaru.

2. Hikaru Machio

Hikaru Machio is a very lucky man. After moving to isekai, he has a quiet life as a farmer and village head. Apart from that, he was also surrounded by beauties of various races.

Hikaru has a very kind nature and cares for others. He is willing to accept anyone who wants to settle in his village. Because of that, he was respected by all residents in Big Tree Village.

1. Rurushi Ru

Rurushi Ru is a beautiful vampire as well as the first woman Hikaru met in another world. Their meeting could be considered as fate. After meeting her, Hikaru without thinking immediately asked her to stay with her in the village.

Ru takes the request as a proposal. She also settled with Hikaru and helped with her work in the fields. After some time passed, they both were blessed with their first son named Alfred.

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