All Shinra Kusakabe's Abilities in Fire Force, Explained

Shinra Kusakabe is the main protagonist in Fire Force. He joined as a member of Special Fire Force 8 to overcome the fire human phenomenon, aka Infernal, which was disturbing people.

Shinra is a Third and Fourth Generation pyrokinesis user who is very tough in battle. Approximately, how strong is Shinra in the Fire Force story? Check out the complete discussion below!

Pyrokinesis (Akuma no Ashiato)

Shinra has the power to produce fire through his feet. When he does this, he usually leaves ashes in the form of footprints on the ground/floor surface. Because of this, he is known by the nickname Akuma no Ashiato aka Devil's Footprints.

Shinra usually combines his fire powers with a fighting style that relies on his feet. He is able to create very powerful kicks at full speed. Additionally, he is very adept at maneuvering in the air.

Immense Speed

As mentioned previously, one of Shinra's main advantages is its incredibly impressive speed. He is able to fly through the air very quickly like a jet plane.

With his extraordinary speed, Shinra can maneuver very agilely and nimbly avoid his enemy's attacks. Furthermore, his speed increases many times over when Shinra accesses the power of Adolla Burst.


If you look at his outer appearance, Shinra looks like a guy who is aggressive, stupid, and tends to rely on muscles. However, he turned out to be quite intelligent and able to observe the situation in battle.

Shinra was able to remain calm and devise tactics that increased his chances of victory. He is also able to form logical deductions, as he demonstrated when he investigated the Evangelist's whereabouts.

Adolla Burst

Shinra is one of the fire controllers who has Adolla Burst. He can also access Adolla Grace temporarily in battle. Through this ability, he can move as fast as light.

During this process, Shinra's body will split into sub-atomic particles that move very quickly. This ability was first demonstrated by Shinra when he fought against Shō.

Hysterical Strength

Under normal conditions, Shinra usually only uses 30% of its total fire power. However, everything became different when he accessed Hysterical Strength. This ability allows Shinra to use 100% of his fire power.

Shinra was able to unleash his full potential when he experienced a phase called Pressure of Death. This condition gave Shinra the sensation of death due to continuous pressure, causing his survival instincts to awaken.

When Hysterical Strength is active, the Shinra fire attracts it and turns blue with a much hotter temperature. Shinra can also shape his flames into a pair of claws.


Shinrabanshō-Man can be said to be the strongest ability possessed by Shinra. When his soul resonates with his mother and brother, Shinra is able to transform into a creature with powers beyond imagination.

In this form, Shinra is able to manifest his imagination into reality. He also displays various overpowering abilities, such as high levels of physical strength, altering reality, and manipulating time.

At the end of the story, Shinra in the form of Shinrabanshō-Man managed to defeat the Evangelist's strongest form alone. Then, he resurrected all of humanity and created a new universe which became the main setting of the Soul Eater series.

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